政策 & 程序
当前董事会政策和学院运作程序的书面记录. 虽然
of the college. 只涉及内部政策、程序和实践的事项
所有政策和程序将很快以可下载的Word文档的形式在下面提供 通过单击策略或程序编号. 单击策略的标题 或程序将带您到相关网页.
Jump to section: General - Administration - Instruction - Student Service - Human Resources -
Administrative 服务 - Technology
政策 |
过程 |
Title |
200.100 | Delegation of Authority | |
200.110 | 1200.110 | Signature Authority |
200.120 | Organizational Management | |
200.125 | Public Relations & Publications | |
200.127 | Photo Release/Testimonial | |
200.130 | 演讲者 | |
200.140 | Disruptive Activities | |
200.145 | 对操作的干扰 | |
200.150 | Commercial Solicitation | |
200.155 | 1200.155 | 艺术 & 纪念 |
200.160 | Emergency 程序 | |
200.170 | Solicitation of Funds | |
200.180 | Distribution of 材料 | |
200.190 | Commercial Activities | |
200.200 | Closure of the College | |
1200.220 | Grant Development & 批准 |
政策 |
过程 |
Title |
300.100 | Academic Freedom | |
300.200 | General学术规定 | |
300.210 | Incomplete Grade | |
300.300 | WVC教学计划 | |
300.320 | 1300.320 | Biological Substance & 材料 |
300.330 | 1300.330 | 人文学科在教学活动中的应用 |
300.350 | Development, 批准 & 课程实施 | |
300.380 | 通识教育/相关教学 | |
300.390 | 授予特殊学习活动学分 | |
300.400 | Educational 评估 | |
300.500 | Continuing Education | |
300.540 | 特别入学年龄(尚未获批准) | |
300.550 | 长者学费减免 | |
300.600 | 教师 Evaluation | |
300.700 | 使用兼职/兼职教员 | |
300.800 | Distance Learning | |
300.900 | Scholarship, Research & 艺术istic Creation | |
300.910 | Use of College Libraries | |
300.920 | Classroom 访问 |
Student Service
政策 |
过程 |
Title |
400.000 | 1400.400 | Student Development |
400.075 | 1400.075 | 为残疾学生提供无障碍教室 |
400.080 | Academic Adjustments & 残疾学生辅助器材 | |
400.085 | 1400.085 | 因残疾而代替或放弃课程 |
1400.095 | 服务 & Emotional Support Animals | |
400.100 | Student Rights & 职责/学生行为准则 | |
1400.100 | Student Rights & 自由 | |
1400.110 | Code of Student Conduct | |
400.120 | 1400.120 | 学生学业申诉 |
1400.125 | Academic Dishonesty | |
400.150 | Computer Lab Use | |
400.200 | 1400.200 | 入学 |
400.210 | 1400.210 | Registration |
400.220 | 1400.220 | Residency Classification |
400.230 | 1400.230 | 行政退学 |
400.250 | 1400.250 | Honorary Degree |
400.300 | 1400.300 | Student 记录 |
400.315 | Missing Student | |
1400.320 | Deceased Student | |
400.350 | 1400.350 | 非传统教育项目 |
400.400 | 1400.400 | Financial Aid |
400.420 | 1400.420 | Emergency Loans |
400.450 | 1400.450 | Student 就业 |
400.460 | 照顾孩子 Grants | |
400.480 | 1400.480 | Student Government |
400.490 | 1400.490 | ABE/ESL学生身份卡 |
400.500 | 1400.500 | Student Clubs & 项目 |
400.530 | 1400.530 | 被 |